Night Lightby Robert A. Tino Moonrise on Myrtle Point at Mt. LeConte. Here is a tale of bewildering beauty. Typically, this point is the best seat in the house to witness the sister sun emerge from the iconic jewel-tone haze that defines these ancient ridges. But tonight moon madness is afoot. On this mystical late spring evening, settle in to watch silvery shadows slip and slide down a craggy crest buttered with moondust and cascading luminous shell pink clusters of sand myrtle - the namesake dwarf shrub for the 6500 foot peak. Nothing is hidden in this full moon high-beamed scene. A night like this can spark true blue magic. Perhaps even forest sprites and woodland fairies venture out to play on their Tennessee slate stage and catch a rare peek of their Carolina cousins dancing in the moonlight just across the illumined rolling azure sea. The artist has tiptoed in, just before the real lunacy begins, to pluck the cloud-enshrouded moon out of the sky and place it on canvas. I'm being followed by a moon shadow - quietly croon this lunar lullaby just before you reach to turn ... out ... the ... Night Light